
Aeva Media    RSS Items RSS Comments
Featured Album - Owner: Nao/Gilles - 9 items
- Aeva Media is a modification that adds a gallery system and an automatic video embedder for SMF forums. This area offers the latest versions of Aeva Media for you to download. Customers get access to an extra folder with commercial downloads.
- Cette section vous propose les dernières versions d'Aeva Media en téléchargement. Il permet d'ajouter une galerie multimédia à vos forums SMF.
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3 items
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[Old] Aeva Lite 7.1.708 26 August 2010 à 19h43 1573 2 4.93 (1 vote)
New version! Uses the Aeva Media 2.x codebase to add support for Google Maps! Yay!
[Old] Aeva Lite 7.0.707 6 March 2010 à 23h07 1178
If you only want the auto-embedder...
Gallery Converters 28 July 2010 à 15h54 1340
Convert from these gallery systems to Aeva Media:
  • SMF Gallery
  • SMF Gallery Pro
  • Coppermine Photo Gallery
Footnotes 1.08 29 July 2010 à 0h39 1086 5 4.98 (4 votes)
Add footnotes anywhere in your messages.[1] A great mod for those who can't stop talking.
 1. Like this! No tricks involved!
Aeva Media 1.4c 24 November 2010 à 11h50 6279 4.98 (3 votes)
Security issue in mass-upload Flash file. (Fix from Yahoo!)
You don't have to uninstall and reinstall. Just take replace your Themes\default\aeva\uploader.swf file with the new version in this package.
Aeva Media 1.4b 24 October 2010 à 16h33 1618 4.93 (1 vote)
Fixed order logic within the preparsing chain, to avoid broken br tags when editing album and title descriptions. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
:edit: October 30: fixed an undefined index error.
Aeva Media 1.4a 6 October 2010 à 23h44 1157 2
Fixes a security issue in various files, and a potential crash during upgrade.
Aeva Media 1.4 28 August 2010 à 22h21 4277 1 4.93 (1 vote)
This is the newest free version. It is untested but should be working fine. It adds all of the bug fixes from the 2.x branch, as well as a few of its exclusive new features as a free gift. :)

If you're looking for the commercial version, you need to register an account, go to your Subscriptions, do your thing, and come back to this album. A new "Commercial downloads" album will show up where you'll find Aeva Media 2.x.

:edit: Updated on August 29 to fix 'in_page' error in error log. The joys of backporting.
Aeva Media 1.3a 28 July 2010 à 15h21 3566 5
This is the free version. If you're looking for the commercial version, you need to register an account, go to your Subscriptions, do your thing, and come back to this album. A new "Commercial downloads" album will show up where you'll find Aeva Media 2.x.
Aeva Media 2.10 © noisen / smf-media